You've got questions? We've got answers. Here are some of the questions we've fielded through e-mails and social media and wanted to answer them publicly so everyone can see!

1. How long will it take to get my order?

It can take anywhere between 2 to 4 weeks for your order to arrive. We order on-demand from our wholesale supplier, which is a more environmentally sound practice than possibly storing thousands of products that people may never order, and then we have to figure out how to dispose of them. Why create and store something that may end up in a landfill? That doesn't sound like a good idea to us.

2. Do you carry or plan to carry ________?

We are a fairly new shop, but we're planning on carrying as many designs for swimwear, lingerie, underwear, and accessories as we possibly can while being as environmentally conscious as we can. If there is a specific design that you're looking for and don't see, please let us know by e-mail, text, or social media! We'll do our best to add it to our store!